发布时间:2022-03-19 17:52:09 来源:高防服务器网 阅读:89 作者:iii 栏目:开发技术
immune_box_plot.r 免疫侵润box分布图
$ Rscript $scriptdir/immune_box_plot.r -h usage: immune_box_plot.r [-h] -i filepath -m filepath -g group [-b groupby] [-p palette] [-G geom [geom ...]] [-T title] [-x xlab] [-y ylab] [-o path] [-n prefix] [-H number] [-W number] immune box plot : https://www.高防服务器网.com/article/1497 optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -i filepath, --input filepath input immune result file[required] -m filepath, --metadata filepath input metadata file path[required] -g group, --group group group name from metadata to test[required] -b groupby, --groupby groupby main group name from metadata to subset [default NULL] -p palette, --palette palette fill palette in ggsci : eg npg lancet... for more info:https://nanx.me/ggsci/articles/ggsci.html [default lancet] -G geom [geom ...], --geom geom [geom ...] set type of plot: boxplot, point, violin, splitviolin [default=boxplot] -T title, --title title the label for main title [optional, default: 'imm'] -x xlab, --xlab xlab input xlab [default cell type] -y ylab, --ylab ylab input ylab [default fraction] -o path, --outdir path output file directory [default cwd] -n prefix, --name prefix out file name prefix [default demo] -H number, --height number the height of pic inches [default 5] -W number, --width number the width of pic inches [default 8]
#box图展示 Rscript $scriptdir/immune_box_plot.r -i immu/ssgsea.res.tsv -m metadata.group.tsv -g subtype.hclust -y NES -G boxplot -o immu -n ssgse #splitviolin图展示 Rscript $scriptdir/immune_box_plot.r -i immu/ssgsea.res.tsv -m metadata.group.tsv -g subtype.hclust -y NES -G splitviolin -o immu -n ssgse
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