


发布时间:2022-03-19 17:53:25 来源:高防服务器网 阅读:79 作者:iii 栏目:开发技术


hclust_analysis.r 转录组数据层次聚类分析


usage: hclust_analysis.r [-h] -i filepath [-d distance] [-m method] [-T top]                           [-S] [-M max.nc] [-k bestk] [-s size] [-a alpha] [-e]                           [-L] [-X label] [-Y label] [-t label] [-o path]                           [-H number] [-W number]  Hierarchical Clustering and  plot:https://clincancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/25/16/5002  optional arguments:    -h, --help            show this help message and exit    -i filepath, --input filepath                          input the dataset martix [required]    -d distance, --distance distance                          the distance measure to be used to compute the                          dissimilarity matrix. This must be one of:                          "euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan", "canberra",                          "binary", "minkowski" . By default,                          distance="euclidean".    -m method, --method method                          the cluster analysis method to be used. This should be                          one of: "ward.D", "ward.D2", "single", "complete",                          "average", "mcquitty", "median", "centroid". by                          default method=ward.D    -T top, --top top     select top gene to analysis [default NULL]    -S, --scale           scale data sd=1 mean=0 [default FALSE]    -M max.nc, --max.nc max.nc                          maximal number of clusters for nbclust, between 2 and                          (number of objects - 1), greater or equal to min.nc.                          By default [optional, default: 15]    -k bestk, --bestk bestk                          set bestk or nbclust choose bestk [optional, default:                          NULL]      -X label, --x.lab label                          the label for x axis [optional, default: sample ]    -Y label, --y.lab label                          the label for y axis [optional, default: Distance ]    -t label, --title label                          the label for main title [optional, default: Cluster                          Dendrogram]    -o path, --outdir path                          output file directory [default cwd]    -H number, --height number                          the height of pic inches [default 5]    -W number, --width number                          the width of pic inches [default 10]



#第一次运行不指定K,通过nbclust 结果选择合适的K (亚型)  Rscript $scriptdir/hclust_analysis.r -i immu/ssgsea.res.tsv  -o hclust  -M 20 --distance "euclidean"    #再次运行指定最佳K,输出聚类树和分组表格  Rscript $scriptdir/hclust_analysis.r -i immu/ssgsea.res.tsv  -o hclust   --distance "euclidean" -k 2


-i  输入基因表达矩阵文件,或者免疫侵润矩阵文件

cell_type TCGA-B7-A5TK-01A-12R-A36D-31 TCGA-BR-7959-01A-11R-2343-13 TCGA-IN-8462-01A-11R-2343-13 TCGA-BR-A4CR-01A-11R-A24K-31 TCGA-CG-4443-01A-01R-1157-13
aDC 0.612131 0.452721 0.434065 0.352635 0.268974
B cells 0.423323 0.40887 0.426612 0.413857 0.289268
Blood vessels 0.681023 0.775439 0.689433 0.577667 0.745019
CD8 T cells 0.675615 0.650073 0.629121 0.566048 0.577315
Cytotoxic cells 0.621056 0.425217 0.411617 0.3128 0.191034
DC 0.619839 0.485056 0.489101 0.266905 0.350132
Eosinophils 0.502785 0.514939 0.469541 0.488051 0.456521
iDC 0.53162 0.498437 0.530931 0.390699 0.420172
Lymph vessels 0.710843 0.721323 0.658391 0.500574 0.400411
Macrophages 0.608271 0.598482 0.552277 0.468531 0.438481
Mast cells 0.480792 0.525927 0.47871 0.24677 0.124795
Neutrophils 0.447672 0.458098 0.393541 0.3105 0.344511
NK CD56bright cells 0.462633 0.418617 0.546094 0.57262 0.460983
NK CD56dim cells 0.341474 0.137147 0.031158 -0.04299 -0.0389
NK cells 0.558123 0.512929 0.507088 0.479542 0.446198
Normal mucosa 0.779444 0.820281 0.806771 0.691384 0.65646
pDC 0.676772 0.647415 0.621186 0.482564 0.552156
SW480 cancer cells 0.534151 0.600236 0.618509 0.412196 0.60535
T cells 0.627056 0.425422 0.399612 0.326116 0.188205
T helper cells 0.669103 0.645407 0.62807 0.650216 0.628577
Tcm 0.562408 0.559951 0.527272 0.516068 0.553444
Tem 0.518952 0.555942 0.410577 0.440007 0.449251
TFH 0.485124 0.477749 0.445061 0.465552 0.446549
Tgd 0.190199 0.110139 0.061648 0.004026 0.023796
Th2 cells 0.563928 0.491736 0.455523 0.426351 0.378701
Th27 cells 0.417275 0.153713 0.218727 0.215026 0.257282
Th3 cells 0.536142 0.478687 0.44716 0.539534 0.416747
TReg 0.682036 0.484761 0.516963 0.30884 0.312123


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